Hanoi: Interpol's 80th General Assembly closed today


Consegna della bandiera InterpolInterpol's annual General Assembly closed today. The 4-day meeting held in Hanoi, Vietnam, discussed police cooperation between Member States with a focus on how to enhance and guarantee full operational collaboration.

The theme of the Assembly this year was "Connecting police for a safer world - Strong partnerships, innovation and building capacity". The Italian delegation was headed by the Central Director of Criminal Police, Deputy Police Chief Francesco Cirillo.

The main topics of discussion

The use of new technologies in the prevention and investigation of crimes, the need for strategic guidelines, prevention of and fight against organized crime through enhanced forms of cooperation, measures to curb corruption in sports competitions: these were just some of the topics on the agenda of the General Assembly, which consolidated the legal framework for cooperation among the Member States through the registration of Interpol's Constitution under article 102 of the United Nations Charter.

Populating Interpol's databases and the new frontiers in personal identification were also covered during the 4-day meeting in Hanoi.

At the end of the meeting there was the official handover of the Interpol flag from the Vietnamese delegation to the Italian delegation, as Italy will host the next Interpol General Assembly, from 5th to 9th November 2012.

The flag was handed over to Mr Cirillo, who stressed the importance of the agreement recently signed by the Chief of the Italian Police Antonio Manganelli with Interpol on prevention of corruption in sport.

Rome, with all its attractions, is ready to welcome the delegates of the world's largest police organization.

Italian version

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