2010 Police activity summary report


Particolare di una volante della polizia

The celebrations for 159th Police founding anniversary are an opportunity to take stock of the work carried out in the past year.

Over the past 12 months many dangerous criminals were arrested and major investigations into organized crime closed.

The 102,561 Italian police officers achieved extraordinary results, through crime prevention and reduction in the various security fields, always serving the common good.

The citizens' trust in the police is confirmed by the 5,585,178 calls - more than 15 thousand per day - received by the emergency number 113.

Special attention was paid to the fight against organized crime: almost 12,000 arrests, including many dangerous fugitives, on all Paolo Di Mauro, Giovanni Tegano, Giuseppe Falsone, Cesare Pagano, and Antonio Iovine. Significant results came also from mafia properties' seizures and confiscations, worth close to 4 billion euros.

Road safety related activity was very important as well. In particular, efforts were made to keep speed limit violations under control as they are the main cause of road traffic accidents. Traffic police patrols registered 70,506 accidents and gave first aid assistance to 453,170 motorists.

Over half a million checks with the alcohol test were made, resulting in 24,744 people reported for driving under the influence of alcohol; 840,830 fine intimations for speeding, and 56,750 driving licenses withdrawn.

As to the fight against drugs, more than 31 tons of narcotics were seized and 4,254 people arrested, while the activity against domestic terrorism resulted in 9 arrests, and 21 international terrorists were stopped.

Public order activity was essential during 2010 with 9,896 events and 2,957 football matches monitored, employing 117,608 units.

Lastly, the activity on the Net, the new frontier in security. The police tracked 50,153 web sites, blanking 223 sites and arresting 172 people for child abuse and illegal electronic commerce.

Police activity has always one goal: to improve security in our country, with the cooperation of citizens, because together is safer.


(modificato il 15/01/2014)
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