Application for political asylum


Foreign nationals who wish to claim political asylum under the Geneva Convention have to report to the Border Police upon entry in Italy. They can also submit their application to the Immigration Office at the 'Questura' - a central police station in the province.

The applicants will be photographed and fingerprinted and their application will be forwarded to the local Commission for the Recognition of Refugee Status which is responsible for taking a decision on it.

To substantiate their applications for asylum, applicants are required to submit to the Immigration Office at the 'Questura':

  • an application form explaining the reasons for their claims in their own mother tongue;
  • a copy of their passport, if in their possession;
  • any documents supporting their claims.

The Immigration Office will issue a residence permit to foreign nationals who have been granted refugee status.

For more information please refer to the "Information Leaflet for Asylum Seekers" published by the Ministry of the Interior's National Commission for the Right to Asylum (art. 32 of Law No. 189/02) and available in five languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish, and Arabic).

Since 19 January 2008, new provisions have regulated the attribution of the status of refugee or person eligible for subsidiary protection to non-EU nationals or stateless persons.

(modificato il 13/10/2009)
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