Illegal immigration: the new search and rescue mission called "Triton"


operazione Mare Nostrum

A meeting to set the terms of the new sea rescue mission for migrants in the Central Mediterranean called "Triton", better known as Frontex plus, was held in Rome, with the participation of experts from Frontex, the European Commission, the Italian Department of Public Security and the other authorities involved.

During the meeting it was agreed that Operation Triton will be clearly distinct from the Italian Mare Nostrum mission, with the two of them also having different patrol areas assigned.

Triton's starting day was set on November 1 and decisions were made on the number of airborne and naval assets to be provided by Member States and Italy, as well as on patrol areas and other operational aspects.

Operation Triton, in line with Frontex's mandate, will aim at protecting external borders, while still complying with international conventions on the safety of life at sea.

Frontex will also prepare a technical report, indicating the level of contribution by participating Member States.

