Online guides: prohibited fireworks


Selling or possession for the purpose of selling of any fireworks without previous approval by the Ministry of the Interior and/or without regular label are strictly forbidden by the law.

The so-called "pallone di Maradona", "Osama Bin Laden" or "Kamikaze" are just fantasy names used by unscrupulous people who put on the market illegal products which can seriously endanger personal safety.

Whoever infringes the provisions on legal circulation of fireworks is punished with a prison sentence. Whoever becomes aware of facts related to such violations has to report them to the Police.

Prison sentences are also envisaged also for those who purchase or use such fireworks, despite the fact they are legal or illegal.

Among improvised explosive devices, in fact, there are real bombs that contain 2 or 3 kilos of low explosives for significant destructive potential.

But there are also artefacts which look more "normal" and have much more modest quantities of product with bursting effect (3 or 4 grams). These appear in the shape of cylinders different in length and diameter, which can cause irreparable damage to limbs, sight, hearing and to the body in general.

Here are some models of these devices, recommending not to use them ever and always notify the Police in case you come across them.

Name Image Weight
"Cipolla" Cipolla Approx. 125 grams of explosive material
"Track con tronetto" Track con tronetto Approx.6 grams of explosive material
"Mezza botta" Mezza Botta Approx. 45 grams of explosive material
"Track vecchia generazione" Track vecchia generazione Approx. 7 grams of explosive material

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